Powtoon : Always say yes to videos.


Powtoon website : www.powtoon.com

PowToon is web-based animation software that allows us to quickly and easily create animated presentations with our students by using imported images, provided music and user created voice-overs. PowToon is used by businesses to create engaging, creative presentations that capture attention, and can be similarly used for educational assessment and content delivery. There is a free version available, as well as paid subscription that allows for more features. But, I think the free version is sufficient because I have been using free version of Powtoon for quiet a long time and I have never encounter any problem. So, this is very useful to a community like student which they do not need to spend money to make their presentation.  
Quality and Effectiveness

PowToon can be used by educators to create animated presentations of content for students to view. Educators can also use PowToon as a form of assessment by asking students to create their own animations. Using Audio/Video rather than standard presentation tools moves users away from over-reliance on text to convey ideas and users are able to create more engaging experiences for their audience. The provided objects and music are high quality and varied enough to allow for flexibility and creativity. The added ability to import images and create voice overs allow users to add their own touch to the animation.
Why use Powtoon?

Creation of an account is easy and straightforward, and getting started is easy as well. There is no software to download, as PowToon is web-based. PowToon provides many customizable templates for beginning users, as well as a blank canvas for the more daring. Learning to use PowToon is as easy as learning any other presentation tool, but the end product is much more exciting. Simple drag and drop of text, props, characters and markers makes creation quick and easy.
My Personal Experience of Using Powtoon

In my experience, I can conclude that PowToon is the best answer to boring, text filled presentations that lose audience attention after just a few slides. I use PowToon in place of traditional presentation tools for multiple purposes, which means that it can be smoothly integrated into the existing curriculum. PowToon can quickly and easily be implemented by teachers like me as a content presentation tool, and by students, as a form of assessment. Students will be more engaged in teacher created presentations, as well as in creating their own as a form of assessment. Here is one of my presentation to share about a short story titled "Banjir di Mata Emak" using a video that have been created using Powtoon:

Powtoon is very attractive. When I show the video that have been created using Powtoon, my student will pay more attention to me and they can get rid out their habit to sleep in class. They will look at the screen and listen to the music and  the voice over.  With the ability to create voiceovers, add text, images, characters, props and music, I will be able to create engaging, entertaining, professional quality animations. My students will be excited to express themselves in new ways, and teachers will reach more students.

Few of my students also succeed to make their own Powtoon video. Here is a picture and a video of one of my student's presentation.

My student deliver her presentation using a video created using Powtoon.

Students feedback on the usage of Powtoon :


  1. Aplikasi ini sangat menarik dan seronok

  2. aplikasi ini mencabar dan saya dapat bersaing.Ia juga sangat seronok

  3. Aplikasi Powtoon ini amat senang digunakan. Aplikasi ini juga amat menyeronokan dan lebih menarik.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Aplikasi ini amat mudah difahami. Ia lebih menarik dan mengurangkan rasa mengantuk.

  6. saya sangat suka aplikasi ini kerana mudah untuk difahami lagi lagi untuk pelajar visual.

  7. Gaya pembelajaran yang ringkas dan menarik

  8. aplikasi ini mudah difahami dan senang untuk difahami

  9. aplikasi ini membantu saya dan rakan-rakan memahami pembelajaran yang diajar oleh guru dengan lebih mudah.

  10. gaya pembelajaran ini lebih ringkas dan menarik minat murid-murid untuk belajar

  11. aplikasi ini dapat memudahkan cikgu untuk menerangkan kepada pelajar dan gaya pembelajaran yang efektif.

  12. powtoon ini merupakan aplikasi kegemaran saya kerana mempunyai banyak gambar berwarna warni , tidak bosan dan yang penting sekali tidak mengantuk


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